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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Take a look at this: SIA now has some of their planes in Star Alliance liveries... as part of their joining Star Alliance, they have to paint some planes in their fleet in the Star Alliance look, which is not much of a look if u ask me. I still love the original SIA paintwork.

Am watching a pretty disgusting show right now, called A Life of Grime. It is seriously digusting, cuz it is about dirty people/situations and the people that deal with them... Things like blocked pipes, resulting in the overflowing sewage in the ground floor flat BIG TIME in a 24 floor apartment block. Imagine sewage of 24 apartments on the floor of your flat.

Then there is a pest controlled dealing with a rat problem, and dead rats... And someone picking up a dead decomposed chicken from a waste bin, things like that.

I was eating my dinner then... And right now i am amazed the food is still in my stomach...

And poor marathon runner, the Brazilian guy... SO SO POOR thing... got attacked by some IDIOT when he was LEADING the marathon... in the end, he ended third... He still managed to smile... but if i am him, I would feel so so robbed by this security breach...

I saw the closing ceremony of the Olympics... and I want to be in Beijing for the next Olympics!!! I will try. Will be 25 then... Would be cool if i work there too!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I found this: a personal blog, by one of Team USA's swimmer and gold-medal winner, Scott Goldblatt. Sometimes things like blogs humanize these people. They're pple as well, not gods as some people might treat them. Though i do feel that this particular human seems a little too proud for my liking...

Lethagy has set in. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Work.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Made coffee for myself this morning, and finished the milk, so I had no milk to go with the chocolate shreddies (similar to ChocoChex) cereal. And u know how dry cereal are, so i ended up dipping them into the coffee, so that they wouldn't be so dry, yeah? and i dropped a handful of the shreddies into the coffee, by accident. The coffee ended up tasting chocolatety. Which isn't that bad actually, so i kind of figured, next time, if you want hot chocolate or mocha, but have no chocolate powder, juz drop some chocolate cereal. It'll end up tasting like chocolate/mocha anyway.

Though it would of course be a good idea if you drain the drink into another seperate mug, so that you dun get disintegrated cereal at the bottom of the mug.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

I love Sunday Times.... I mean the Singapore edition. Somehow it really feels like Sundays when u read them. Maybe it's the way it's written, more relaxed and laid back...

But i like it anyway.

Peter Andre can't sing.

An Excerpt from today's Straits Times:

F4 fan and National Institute of Education trainee teacher Elaine Lee, 20, said: 'I camped over a week for Vic Chou's autograph session in January this year. I also chased after him and Jerry Yen in a cab when they arrived at Changi airport in June.'
F4 comprises four Taiwanese singer/actors who shot to fame after starring in a teenybopper drama serial, Meteor Garden.
Ms Lee literally lives and breathes F4. She can remember all their lines in the show. She adorns her room and stationery with their pictures. Her T-shirts are all from Samuel and Kevin, a fashion chain endorsed by F4.
She has also collected six huge books containing newspaper and magazine cuttings of them. 'I've dreamt of eating and going out with them, and of them being my boyfriends countless times,' she said, adding that Vic Chou pops up most often in her dreams.

Okay, if i have kids, do i want my teachers to be taught by this kind of teacher? Erm, no. I dun think this is the kind of role model that i want my kid to have.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

I was watching the table-tennis 1st semi final between Zhang Yining and that Korean Girl but I was not really watching it, because I was really waiting for them to show me the 2nd semi final, between Li Jia Wei and her North Korean opponent. But guess what, after showing Zhang's win, BBC decided to very conveniently tell me, that the North Korean lady has beaten our Li Jia Wei, without even mentioning how close it was!! What is this, man? This is unfair!!! I'm sure we would at least deserve a mention!! I mean, best of 7... and Li Jia Wei juz lost by 2 points! 11-9 in the 7th Game!! Surely that deserves a mention, no? Well, apparently no, according to the BBC. Maybe we can win the bronze, that's better than nothing i guess. Sigh. Looks like we need to wait another 4 years. Twice we came so close.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Got my biggest tip of the year so far. 1 big fat GBP note. How cool is that? Maybe, juz maybe sometimes working at the desk is worth it after all...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Brussels was fantastic... Had a great time there... everything was within walking distance, so mummy and i had a good workout walking to all the destinations (though both if us were dead tired at the end of the day)... Grand Place was juz Amazing, it was juz, grand, ya know. The buildings were beautiful. Full stop. I dun think i have seen any other town squares that look as amazing as this one. will post pictures soon.

The Hotel is the amazing cheap Hotel Ibis off Grand Place. Very new, furnishings were brand new, I'm not sure if the hotel was actually fully completed as the light bulbs were hanging on their cables, ya know? Could be a supposed chic/boutique style deco, but i doubt it. Location was fantastic, had a great rooom with a great view. Location was superb. 2 minutes from the Grand Place and everything else.

Eurostar is like a really cheap 2-star airline or sth like that. But the journey was smooth, fast (and i mean really fast) and the announcements sound like aeroplane ones. So yeah, it can be like a pseudo aeroplane journey for 2.5 hours.

Took a lot of photos. Also managed to catch the Meybloom festival, which was very interesting (involves the planting of a tree in the Grand Place). Almost didn't want to come back to work again (as with most holidays, isnt it).

I was going to say something else, but I forgot. Oh well. The new Jane Green book is out tomorrow (or today) and its titles "The Other Woman", which almost makes me NOT want to buy the book now... and the review is not that great either. So I'm not going to spend 10 bucks on a book which i might not really enjoy.

Tomorrow... big day for Singapore, as it is only our 2nd leadership handover... I was juz reading all the reports about him and even though i have never seen/met or spoken to him before, he juz seemed so sincere and humble, so REAL, ya know. And I can't imagine Lee Hsien Loong to be like that. He's probably going to be more like LKY, i suspect. But we'll see.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Happy National Day to all!!!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Have u heard of Wholivesnearyou? It is quite absurd really, basically, u put in your postcode and then you'll see the ppl who like in your immediate surroundings, and ppl within a 5 min walk etc etc... I joined juz for fun, but then i find this a little too close for comfort...

And I've learned that a home cooked meal is not determined by what you cook, or how you cook it, but who cooked it. It's never the same.

I always feel that I have things that i wanna write on my blog, for other ppl to read about me... But everytime i come online, i'll always end up doing something else such as reading the forum page on Airliners.net or looking at airlinemeals.net or some other rubbish...

Anyway, Mummy is now here with me. She's here to celebrate my 21st... and i'm likg OMG, i can't believe it's August already and I'm turning 21! Argh... Anyway, yeah, Mummy's going to be here for 2 weeks and we're going to maybe go down to Greenwich and Canary Wharf on Wednesday. And then on Friday, she's going to stay at my hotel in hopefully 207 (which should be no problem if Mr Codron or Mr Calder doesn't come), which is what I would consider the best room in the hotel (not counting the Suites, of course). Then on Saturday, we're going to take the Eurostar down to Brussels for the National Day Weekend, and we're going to stay at the Ibis Hotel off Grand Place, which is a fantastic location.

And speaking of hotels, sometimes I am really glad that I am working in the hotel, why? Because I think the staff rates are incredible! I was actually thinking of going to Edinburgh at first and the staff rate at the 4-star Radisson SAS there is GBP31!! Juz slight more expensive than the YHA hostel. And the staff rate of the 5-star Radisson SAS which is supposedly one of the top 5 hotel in Brussels is just EUR41!! My colleague would be staying in Radisson Sydney Downtown for juz GBP21, which is like, S$65? Would you believe that? The only problem with staff rates is that they have to be booked way in advance, and are not always available... Which is why i am staying at the Ibis Hotel, and that is like EUR60 per night.


Happy to be Alive and Moving
Filled with Wanderlust
At the Crossroads of Life
Enjoys Good Company
Appreciates Good Service
Thanksful for Life


Freeriders for Effort
Broken Promises
The Arrogant and the Ignorant
Not much else, really, unless u annoy me


People who don't do their parts in group work
The Arrogant and the Ignorant
Not much else, really, unless u annoy me




Matthew's Little Blog
An excuse for catharsis
if i should return, think better of me
Kantan's changing blog
Lonely Planet
Stoffer's Xanga Site


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